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    You sit staring at the clock, it's 4:55 pm. Almost time. The weekend is no great excitement but getting away from this dead-end job for 48 hours; that's a treat. After spending the next 24 hours catching up on chores and several TV shows that didn't really matter you think about church. Sounds awful.

    Trust me I won't miss understand you. I know you love God. Things lately... well they've been stagnant. Maybe lately is a bad term after all it's been years since you felt God. It's been years since this God thing really made an impact on your day-to-day.

    So, you roll over Sunday and hit the snooze. But not long after you finally pull yourself out of bed to get to church late, sit in the back row, and then leave the second the pastor stops talking. Another wasted Sunday morning. But as you leave you see "that person". No not the one in the front who, genuine or not, is making quite a scene. No, "that person" the one who has a silent tear running down their cheek.

    That image forces a hundred justifications through your head. Maybe they are just a new Christian? Maybe they are having a bad day? But it's hard to deny that God touched someone in the room, and it wasn't you. Why? You prayed for it. You wanted it? It's not like you enjoy being in this rut. But something is standing between you and engaging with God.

    Abide seeks to help with that connection from a time when I felt the same way. Come join me on my journey to reconnect with God.

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